Hi, I'm Agustin and I'm a Front-end web developer.


Dice game

gif of a simple dice game

Simple gambling style dice game.

Skills acquired:

  • DOM manipulation.
  • Javascript Math operations.
  • CSS3 animations.
view in Github

Budget calculator

gif of a simple budget calculator

Simple web calculator to manage income and expenses.

Skills acquired:

  • DOM manipulation.
  • Javascript event propagation/bubbling.
  • Insertion and removal of information via javascript.
  • Modular controller architecture implementation.
view in Github

Basic calculator

gif of a simple budget calculator

Simple calculator with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

view in Codepen


The web is always changing and we as developers must adapt with it. This incessant requirement to keep learning is what I love. I'm always open to be better at what I do.

Front-end Developer / Designer

I like to code in general and enjoy to see beautiful projects come to life in the browser.

Languages I know:

HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, JSON, Sass, Git

Dev tools:

  • Atom
  • Github
  • BEM
  • Terminal
  • Codepen
  • Linux

Things I enjoy designing:

UX, UI, Web, mobile, apps


Please feel free to contact me for any job related inquiries